We are a state of the art British owned dental practice located in the heart of the Santa Ponsa business district. The principal dentist, Howard Forge, brings with him over 13 years of experience from practising in the UK. W...more
Kelly Kasey-Smith, 13 May 2020
This is possibly the very worst place for a set of veneers!! They were attached essentially like false nails with no backing on them, since hes had them they've...
除非您之后选择了更多的牙科程序,否则您可以立即离开Carrer de son Espanyolet。考虑到这种牙科治疗的高成功率,并发症很少见,一旦发生,通常只是牙龈和周围区域的酸痛和肿胀延长,或牙齿敏感性增加。如果这种情况持续存在或疼痛加剧,您可以找牙医咨询,他们可能会开额外的止痛药和药物来缓解疼痛.