IMED Elche is a general Hospital and is part of the IMED Group. The Hospital hosts many specialist units, including Cardiology, Dermatology, ENT, General Surgery, hematology, Neurology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oncology, Ophth...more
Juan jose Martinez, 21 September 2020
Una vergüenza pagar un seguro que...vas a urgencias con tu esposa en estado y hay personas a tu lado que dicen que piensan que están con covid .hacen los test...
IMED – Levante: Formerly known as Hospital de Levante, the hospital began operations in June 2004 and is a General Hospital. The Hospital consists of 106 rooms and the intensive care unit is equipped with 15 beds. There are ...more
Terco Pics, 21 September 2020
966 878787 no funciona! He marcado mas de 10 veces y sin suerte... Es el primer contacto que hago con la clinica y sale de esta manera... Pero ya he visto que t...
医疗团队可能会建议您在手术后最多在Calle Max Planck停留两周,这将为您的伤口留出足够的时间来愈合并在需要时去除针迹。外科医生会希望您至少进行一次或两次手术后咨询,然后再让所有人清楚地返回家中。鉴于医疗技术和外科医生经验的最新发展,Calle Max Planck中莫顿神经瘤的治疗的成功率现在非常高。但是,在任何手术中,总有可能发生并发症,例如感染,出血,麻木,肿胀和疤痕组织。但是,如果您在手术后休息并遵循外科医生的康复建议,则可以期望将这些几率降低到接近零.