DermaClinic is a multidisciplinary medical center, specialising in areas related to dermatology, aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, cosmetology and biological medicine. We do innovative and effective treatments, and ou...more
Sofia Gutierrez, 05 September 2020
I recommend Derma Clinic Spain 100%. Since I entered the clinic I received an exceptional, friendly and warm treatment. Dr. Sergiu Vieru is very professional an...
SEMCC - Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética
For more information about Clínica Vega - Madrid in Madrid please contact the clinic.
Susana Gómez Guillén, 21 September 2020
I have had surgery at this clinic. Dr. Vega is a great professional, as are the people who perform the treatments, in my case Amaya and Noelia. In general, I ha...
粟丘疹祛除 at Dra. Virginia Benitez Roig - Marbella in 马贝拉, 西班牙
Practicing surgical and non-surgical enhancements including aesthetic treatments, cosmetic treatments and plastic cosmetic surgeryOur commitment is to provide our patients, through safe procedures, with a natural youthful lookin...more
SELMQ - Sociedad Española de Láser Médico Quirúrgico
SEME - Sociedad Española de Medicina Estética
SEMCC - Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética