At PTC we are passionate about improving the lives of all people. Proton therapy brings a new chance for tumors suitable for radiotherapy and localized near vital structures where unwanted irradiation is associated with...more
blagorodna economides, 17 February 2020
Service and friendliness SECOND TO NONE...
SAKCR - Spojená akreditacní komise Ceské republiky
癌症筛检 at AGEL a.s. - Nemocnice Prostějov in 布拉格, 捷克共和国
The AGEL Comprehensive Cardiovascular Centre provides all globally recognised heart and vascular system care. The greatest assets of the centre include close cooperation between the cardiology and cardiac surgery, which ...more
Affordable High Quality Health Care in the Heart of Europe! We offer a wide range of services with the top European standards. Enjoy your stay at one of our 60 partner clinics in the Czech Republic. Our Trained staff can accompany...more