The HELIOS Hospital Schwerin is a tertiary care institution and teaching hospital of the University of Rostock. The Hospital has 34 medical departments and has a specialized Oncology Center, which has 5 subspecialty centers that i...more
Birget Wendt, 21 September 2020
Hallo liebes Team der Helios Klinik, ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei der Dialyse und der Stadion P 5 bedanken. Ein besonderen Dank gehen an Herrn Dr. Tuerk -...
颌面整形术 at University Hospital of Munich (LMU) in 慕尼黑, 德国
University Hospital of Munich (LMU) which was established in 1472 is one of the oldest and best regarded medical research universities in Germany. The Hospital has more than 2.000 beds, 47 clinics, institutes and departments cove...more
颌面整形术 at HELIOS Dr. Horst Schmidt Hospital Wiesbaden in 威斯巴登, 德国
HELIOS Dr. Horst Schmidt Hospital Wiesbaden is a multi-specialty hospital and It offers a range of medical services, including Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Allergology, Obstetrics and Prenatal medicine, Vascular surgery, Gynecol...more
Büsra Erdogan, 10 August 2019
We were at 19h tonight at the Children's Hospital are just 23h back home, without my child could be treated for 9 months with 39.5 degrees Fever. It simply can ...
颌面整形术 at University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in 汉堡, 德国
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf is an important research facility and hospital in the north of the city and offers a complete range of treatment options for patients. New ideas in research and new approaches for the di...more