Landeskrankenhaus Villach (LKH Villach) was established in
1890. The facility consists of 750 beds and hosts many specialist units,
including Obstetrics & Gynecology, Rehabilitation and Psychology. There are
13 medical departme...more
Marie Strasser, 15 September 2020
I have had pain in my ribs for a long time. Coughing, sneezing, catching something, stretching and lifting is not possible without pain. Wanted to have this cla...
淋巴排毒按摩 at Lassnitzhohe Private Clinic in 拉斯尼茨赫厄, 奥地利
Lassnitzhohe Private Clinic specializes in Neurology, Executive Health-check, Weight Loss Program, Rehabilitation, Dentistry, Psychiatry.The main emphasis is placed on neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation. The total bed cap...more