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formedi clinic Turkey
MyMeditravel 安塔利亚, 土耳其
Buttock Liposuction
formedi clinic Turkey
formedi clinic Turkey
formedi clinic Turkey
formedi clinic Turkey
formedi clinic Turkey
20 评论

Buttock Liposuction at formedi clinic Turkey in 安塔利亚, 土耳其

Get a quick quote for TREATMENT IN TURKEY at affordable rates! A group of professionals, providing plastic surgery, dental treatments, hair transplant and laser eye surgery in Turkey. PLASTIC SURGERY IN TURKEY ...more
MyMeditravel Pashtoon Haider, 03 October 2023
I highly recommend Foremedi to anyone. They are a group of professionals (surgeon, hospital staff, patient coordinator/translator ) extremely proficient in wha...
英语 法语
接机 接机 咖啡 咖啡 家庭住宿 家庭住宿 预定机票 预定机票
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Medical Park Antalya Hospital
MyMeditravel 安塔利亚, 土耳其
Buttock Liposuction
Medical Park Antalya Hospital
Medical Park Antalya Hospital
Medical Park Antalya Hospital
Medical Park Antalya Hospital
Medical Park Antalya Hospital
2 评论

Buttock Liposuction at Medical Park Antalya Hospital in 安塔利亚, 土耳其

Medical Park Antalya Hospital is committed to its mission of "Health for Everybody," which includes serving even the most isolated areas. As the largest private hospital in the Mediterranean Region, it provides a wide ra...more
MyMeditravel Trenton Shepard, 13 March 2022
The dental department is great. The doctor did an awesome job, and I'm really happy with the results and love my new smile!...
阿拉伯语 英语 法语 乔治亚语 德语
接机 接机 家庭住宿 家庭住宿 免费Wifi 免费Wifi 医疗保险协调 医疗保险协调
JCI 认证
JCI 认证
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world wide international aesthetic
MyMeditravel 安塔利亚, 土耳其
Buttock Liposuction
world wide international aesthetic
world wide international aesthetic
world wide international aesthetic
world wide international aesthetic
world wide international aesthetic

Buttock Liposuction at world wide international aesthetic in 安塔利亚, 土耳其

World Wide International Aesthetic with wwelle xperience healthcare staff and high quality healthcare services will help you to get your treatment done without feeling of loneless and danger. It is enough to decide to have your...more
阿拉伯语 丹麦语 英语 波斯语 德语
接机 接机 咖啡 咖啡 家庭住宿 家庭住宿 预定机票 预定机票
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Memorial Antalya Hospital
MyMeditravel 安塔利亚, 土耳其
Buttock Liposuction
Memorial Antalya Hospital
Memorial Antalya Hospital
Memorial Antalya Hospital
Memorial Antalya Hospital
Memorial Antalya Hospital
2 评论

Buttock Liposuction at Memorial Antalya Hospital in 安塔利亚, 土耳其

Memorial Antalya Hospital is an exceptional medical treatment in Antalya, Turkey's Mediterranean Region, providing comprehensive healthcare services that meet international standards of excellence. Memorial Health Group f...more
MyMeditravel Leigh Ali, 02 January 2024
The best hospital in Antalya. The doctor and nurses were very attentive in detail, always treated me with care. I was accompanied by a very professional lady tr...
阿拉伯语 英语 德语 西班牙语 土耳其语
接机 接机 咖啡 咖啡 家庭住宿 家庭住宿 免费Wifi 免费Wifi
JCI 认证
JCI 认证
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Turkeyremedy Medical Tourism Company
MyMeditravel 安塔利亚, 土耳其
Buttock Liposuction
Turkeyremedy Medical Tourism Company

Buttock Liposuction at Turkeyremedy Medical Tourism Company in 安塔利亚, 土耳其

Turkeyremedy is the best Healthcare and Wellness Agency in Turkey. We are located base in Antalya and İstanbul. We work with the best doctors, International JCI accredited hospitals, and unique & comfortable hotels. We want to be...more
英语 俄语 土耳其语
翻译服务 翻译服务
TTB - Turkish Medical Association
TTB - Turkish Medical Association
TPCD - Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
TPCD - Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
EPCD - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association
EPCD - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association
TDB - Turkish Dental Association
TDB - Turkish Dental Association
RMCD - Turkish Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery
RMCD - Turkish Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery
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Medical Travel Service
MyMeditravel 安塔利亚, 土耳其
Buttock Liposuction
Medical Travel Service

Buttock Liposuction at Medical Travel Service in 安塔利亚, 土耳其

For more information about Medical Travel Service in Antalya please contact the clinic....more
阿拉伯语 荷兰语 英语 法语 德语
翻译服务 翻译服务
ISO Certification - International Organization for Standardization
ISO Certification - International Organization for Standardization
ISQua - The International Society for Quality in Health Care
ISQua - The International Society for Quality in Health Care
ISDS - International Society for Dermatologic Surgery
ISDS - International Society for Dermatologic Surgery
IFFPSS - International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies
IFFPSS - International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies
IFED - International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry
IFED - International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry
RS - The Rhinoplasty Society
RS - The Rhinoplasty Society
ITI - International Team for Implantology
ITI - International Team for Implantology
ISD - International Society of Dermatology
ISD - International Society of Dermatology
IBHRS - International Board of Hair Restoration Specialists
IBHRS - International Board of Hair Restoration Specialists
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寻找位于位于 Sirinyali的可提供Buttock Liposuction 的最佳诊所
MyMeditravel 列出了位于 Sirinyali的可提供Buttock Liposuction的 所诊所和 6 所医学中心
¥ 2,549
Sirinyali 可用的诊所数量:
6-8 weeks 恢复时间
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您需要了解 Buttock Liposuction 位于 Sirinyali

Buttock Liposuction 被认为是整形/整容手术程序,需要整形外科医生,麻醉师和其他外科医务人员协调. 这种类型的整形与美容手术程序/治疗 可以被认为是相当昂贵的,尤其是考虑到相关专家的技能,经验,培训和设备. 对于Buttock Liposuction, 需要照片,以便专家在治疗之前进行检查.

与所有整形外科一样,恢复因人而异,对于Buttock Liposuction来说也没有什么不同,因为操作后的立即恢复可能需要几天的时间才能再次移动。您应该在手术后立即休息一段较长的时间,在此期间,您应该避免繁重的工作和剧烈的运动。大约一周后,您可以期望恢复轻度活动,并在新的几周和几个月中逐渐适应自己。整形外科医生将为您提供详细的术后术后护理计划,应密切注意。这可能包括运动和伸展运动,饮食计划以及有关如何治疗伤口的建议.
您将被要求在术后10-14天左右留在Sirinyali中。在此期间,您将需要去看医生进行手术后检查,并拆下针迹。一切都清楚之后,您就可以回家旅行,因为Buttock Liposuction的成功率很高,因此很少需要更改旅行安排。这主要是由于医疗技术和外科技术的最新发展,加上整形外科医生的丰富经验。但是,并发症的风险始终存在,其中可能包括伤口感染,出血,麻木和伤口周围肿胀以及受损的疤痕组织。为了减少发生此类并发症的可能性,所有患者需要做的就是手术后立即休息,并遵守外科医生的后期护理和恢复建议.


更新: 18/01/2024