Dental Cosmetics Costa Rica was established in 2005 and is a multi-specialty dental clinic. Seven Dental specialists work from 7 ultra-modern treatments rooms. Specialties include full oral and maxillo facial surgery, prosthodonti...more
K.S. Skydancer, 28 May 2020
I had four teeth removed here on Thanksgiving Day that were the result of iatrogenic injury in the states. Pros: Swiss protocols are great! I would not do furth...
除非您之后选择了更多的牙科程序,否则您可以立即离开Radial Francisco J Orlich。考虑到这种牙科治疗的高成功率,并发症很少见,一旦发生,通常只是牙龈和周围区域的酸痛和肿胀延长,或牙齿敏感性增加。如果这种情况持续存在或疼痛加剧,您可以找牙医咨询,他们可能会开额外的止痛药和药物来缓解疼痛.