Assuta is Israel’s largest and leading private medical services center, comprising eleven clinics and hospitals across Israel and the hospital performs surgery and diagnostic procedures in all fields of medicine, including cardi...more
Y N, 22 September 2020
Excellent medical center, with friendly staff and highly qualified doctors.Thank you for your work.My operation was successful...
The Ramat Aviv Medical Center was established in 1999 and is a modern and sophisticated, privately owned medical facility which specializes in the field of medical diagnostics, multidisciplinary surgery, cosmetology. The hospital ...more
טופז כהן דהן, 18 August 2020
Shocking service, paying thousands of shekels and getting humiliating treatment from the nurses, disgruntled who do you a favor that comes to you in the room, n...
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Medical Center)
特拉维夫市, 以色列
提眉术 at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Medical Center) in 特拉维夫市, 以色列
Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov) is the largest acute care facility in Israel. The Medical center has over 60 departments, 170 out-patient clinics and well over 1300 beds. The hospital has a staff of over 6000: 1,130 doctors (750...more
您将被要求在术后10-14天左右留在Arison New Hospitalization Building中。在此期间,您将需要去看医生进行手术后检查,并拆下针迹。一切都清楚之后,您就可以回家旅行,因为提眉术的成功率很高,因此很少需要更改旅行安排。这主要是由于医疗技术和外科技术的最新发展,加上整形外科医生的丰富经验。但是,并发症的风险始终存在,其中可能包括伤口感染,出血,麻木和伤口周围肿胀以及受损的疤痕组织。为了减少发生此类并发症的可能性,所有患者需要做的就是手术后立即休息,并遵守外科医生的后期护理和恢复建议.