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Jesmond Natural Health and Fertility
MyMeditravel Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )
Jesmond Natural Health and Fertility
3 评论

宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) at Jesmond Natural Health and Fertility in Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

Jesmond Natural Health and Fertility is a complementary Health centre offering Acupuncture, Bowen, Chinese Herbal Medicine, EFT, NLP, Sacrocranial Therapy, Swedish Massage, Thai Massage, Egyption massage, Reflexology, Indian Head ...more
MyMeditravel Lilja Katanka, 27 July 2019
Lovely peaceful place, great location near the metro, and great team of practitioners...
免费Wifi 免费Wifi 停车场 停车场 室内电话 室内电话 室内电视 室内电视
FHT - Federation of Holistic Therapists
FHT - Federation of Holistic Therapists
ATCM - Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ATCM - Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
BFS - British Fertility Society
BFS - British Fertility Society
BFS - British Fertility Society
BFS - British Fertility Society
BAAB - British Acupuncture Accreditation Board
BAAB - British Acupuncture Accreditation Board
FHT - Federation of Holistic Therapists
FHT - Federation of Holistic Therapists
FNTP - Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners
FNTP - Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners
ATCM - Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ATCM - Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
BAAB - British Acupuncture Accreditation Board
BAAB - British Acupuncture Accreditation Board
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Newlife Clinic
MyMeditravel Surrey, United Kingdom
宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )
Newlife Clinic
Newlife Clinic
Newlife Clinic
Newlife Clinic
Newlife Clinic

宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) at Newlife Clinic in Surrey, United Kingdom

Newlife Fertility Clinic is housed in a beautifully appointed regency building in a peaceful location, yet is conveniently close to the centre of the historic Surrey market town of Epsom. Newlife was founded in 2010 by a group ...more
阿拉伯语 英语 希腊语
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
CQC - Care Quality Commission
CQC - Care Quality Commission
CQC - Care Quality Commission
CQC - Care Quality Commission
RCN - Royal College of Nursing
RCN - Royal College of Nursing
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
FRCOG - Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FRCOG - Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RCOG - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RCOG - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
HFEA - Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
HFEA - Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
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Harley Street Fertility Clinic
MyMeditravel Greater London, United Kingdom
宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )
Harley Street Fertility Clinic
Harley Street Fertility Clinic
Harley Street Fertility Clinic
Harley Street Fertility Clinic

宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) at Harley Street Fertility Clinic in Greater London, United Kingdom

Making the decision to seek advice on fertility issues can be daunting and nerve-racking. Our clinic is different – we aim to provide all our patients with personal and caring treatment.   We are a family run...more
ESHRE - European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
ESHRE - European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
RSM - Royal Society of Medicine
RSM - Royal Society of Medicine
RCSEng - Royal College of Surgeons of England
RCSEng - Royal College of Surgeons of England
NMC - Nursing and Midwifery Council
NMC - Nursing and Midwifery Council
RCN - Royal College of Nursing
RCN - Royal College of Nursing
BMA - British Medical Association
BMA - British Medical Association
GMC - General Medical Council
GMC - General Medical Council
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The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy
MyMeditravel Greater London, United Kingdom
宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )
The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy
The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy
The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy

宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) at The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy in Greater London, United Kingdom

Fertility treatments with a high success rate are performed by the team at this clinic located at Wimpole Street in London. The team offers comprehensive services including gynaecology care. The team has helped patients achieve th...more
ESHRE - European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
ESHRE - European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
FRCOG - Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FRCOG - Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
BFS - British Fertility Society
BFS - British Fertility Society
BFS - British Fertility Society
BFS - British Fertility Society
FRCOG - Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FRCOG - Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
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ARGC - The IVF Clinic London
MyMeditravel Greater London, United Kingdom
宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )
ARGC - The IVF Clinic London
ARGC - The IVF Clinic London
ARGC - The IVF Clinic London
ARGC - The IVF Clinic London
ARGC - The IVF Clinic London

宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) at ARGC - The IVF Clinic London in Greater London, United Kingdom

This assisted reproduction centre in Wimpole street London has the most sophisticated and up to date techniques in assisting couples suffering from infertility to conceive. The small team who have worked together for many years of...more
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ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford
MyMeditravel Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )
ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford
ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford
ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford
ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford
ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford

宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) at ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

For more information about ARGC - The IVF Clinic Oxford in Oxford Business Park North please contact the clinic....more
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¥ 765
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您需要了解 宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) 位于 英国

宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ) 是一种医疗程序/手术,需要专科医生,麻醉师和其他各种专科医生共同协调. 这种类型的生殖医学程序/治疗 可以被认为是相当昂贵的,尤其是考虑到相关专家的技能,经验,培训和设备. 对于宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI ), 可能需要医疗记录,报告或任何支持性文件,以便专家在治疗之前进行评估.

与任何大手术一样,恢复可能因人而异。您的立即恢复可能会受到多种因素的影响,例如镇静剂(麻醉剂)的类型以及镇静的时间,但是您应该期望在出院之前花一些时间在病房中恢复。然后,您应该期望再休息几天,然后才能再次开始进行轻度活动-请记住,宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )是一项大型手术,您的身体需要时间才能恢复。至于后期护理,遵循外科医生的建议并遵守规定的用药计划至关重要。还建议您饮食,如何护理和治疗伤口以及如何识别可能的感染迹象.
医疗团队可能会建议您在手术后最多在英国停留两周,这将为您的伤口留出足够的时间来愈合并在需要时去除针迹。外科医生会希望您至少进行一次或两次手术后咨询,然后再让所有人清楚地返回家中。鉴于医疗技术和外科医生经验的最新发展,英国中宫腔内人工受精 ( IUI )的成功率现在非常高。但是,在任何手术中,总有可能发生并发症,例如感染,出血,麻木,肿胀和疤痕组织。但是,如果您在手术后休息并遵循外科医生的康复建议,则可以期望将这些几率降低到接近零.


更新: 01/03/2023