Povisa Hospital was established in 1973 and is a private hospital. What is usually a medium-sized private facility with 450 beds regularly takes on numerous national health insurance patients because the two public hospitals can�...more
Juan Sotomayor, 22 September 2020
A disaster, more than two hours of waiting in the emergency room of Vigo for an extraction of an infected wisdom tooth, the personal treatment by the reception ...
您将被要求在术后10-14天左右留在Rua de Salamanca中。在此期间,您将需要去看医生进行手术后检查,并拆下针迹。一切都清楚之后,您就可以回家旅行,因为乳房囊肿切除的成功率很高,因此很少需要更改旅行安排。这主要是由于医疗技术和外科技术的最新发展,加上整形外科医生的丰富经验。但是,并发症的风险始终存在,其中可能包括伤口感染,出血,麻木和伤口周围肿胀以及受损的疤痕组织。为了减少发生此类并发症的可能性,所有患者需要做的就是手术后立即休息,并遵守外科医生的后期护理和恢复建议.