移植隆胸 at Clinica Dr. Pedro Antolin - Valencia in 巴伦西亚, 西班牙
Clinica Dr. Pedro Antolin – Valencia specializes in cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery. They specialize in the most comprehensive range of both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures and are proud to say that th...more
Ana Martínez Contreras, 18 September 2020
Me operè con el doctor Antolín,por un problema de salud,ya que tenía un importante faldón abdominal.No tengo palabras para describir el excelente trabajo qu...
For more information about Instituto Medico Zahrawi in Valencia please contact the clinic.
Maria Pilar Saiz, 15 September 2020
Of court. They send me the diagnosis in the mail, after my insistence, and that diagnosis is the photo of a 5-line handwritten note. The result of the cytology ...
SEME - Sociedad Española de Medicina Estética
SEF - Sociedad Española De Fertilidad
SEDO - Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia
COEM - Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de la I Región