Cots Dental Clinic was established in 1993 and specializes in surgery and cosmetic dentistry and their expertise covers the basics like checkups, cleaning and fillings to the more advanced crowns, implants, bridges, veneers, root ...more
Nick Jackson, 10 March 2020
I looked online for an English speaking dental surgery. They have done extensive work on my teeth to the highest standards. I highly recommend this practise. Th...
Art & Dent dental clinic: Their expertise covers the basics like checkups, cleaning and fillings to the more advanced crowns, implants, bridges, veneers, root canal surgery and whitening. Unlike other dental clinics in Valencia t...more
Marcel Lopez, 13 August 2020
Exceptional. A team that is both professional and very close. Neus, Monchi, Celeste, and Dr. Riñon himself (I mention only those with whom I have direct contac...
For more information about Instituto Medico Zahrawi in Valencia please contact the clinic.
Maria Pilar Saiz, 15 September 2020
Of court. They send me the diagnosis in the mail, after my insistence, and that diagnosis is the photo of a 5-line handwritten note. The result of the cytology ...
SEME - Sociedad Española de Medicina Estética
SEF - Sociedad Española De Fertilidad
SEDO - Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia
COEM - Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de la I Región
除非您之后选择了更多的牙科程序,否则您可以立即离开Placa dAlfons el Magnanim。考虑到这种牙科治疗的高成功率,并发症很少见,一旦发生,通常只是牙龈和周围区域的酸痛和肿胀延长,或牙齿敏感性增加。如果这种情况持续存在或疼痛加剧,您可以找牙医咨询,他们可能会开额外的止痛药和药物来缓解疼痛.