We offer the best medical services, performed by the most reputable specialists.Our medical range covers: ophthalmology, dentistry, assisted fertilization,bariatric surgery, hair transplant, plastic and cosmetic surgery.We customi...more
Nobel Biocare Fellowship Program
Zimmer Biomet Dental Education Program
EBOPRAS - European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
EURAPS - European Association of Plastic Surgeons
EAFPS - European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
ESCD - European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry
UNAS - Uniunea Nationala a Asociatiilor Stomatologice
SRMR - Societatea Romana de Microchirurgie Reconstructiva
AMSPPR - Asociatia Medicilor Stomatologi cu Practica Privata din Romania
精子冷冻 at Gynera Fertility Center in Bucharest, 罗马尼亚
For more information about Gynera Fertility Center in Bucharest please contact the clinic.
Iulia Budurea, 23 September 2020
Din cauza incompetentelor de la recepție, sa nu mai aud de Gynera niciodată. Mi-am facut niște analize în 2015-2016 și nu au vrut sa-mi trimita rezultatele...