Lack of bone mass? Zygomatic Dental Implants Specialist is ready to help you! While conventional dental implants involve drilling directly into the jawbone for the implants to replace teeth, the implant placement of zygomatic implants is done in the upper jaw (cheekbone) instead. This provides support for upper jaw teeth, bridges and dentures. Due to the placement of zygomatic implants, these implants are also much longer in size than traditional implants and provide a secure foundation for dental implants. This treatment avoids the need for bone grafting procedures which usually prolongs the healing period. With zygomatic implants, the healing period is shortened to just 2 to 3 days.
那里有多少专家,并且THE DENTAL PORT获得了哪些认证?
Lack of bone mass? Zygomatic Dental Implants Specialist is ready to help you! While conventional dental implants involve drilling directly into the jawbone for the implants to replace teeth, the implant placement of zygomatic implants is done in the upper jaw (cheekbone) instead. This provides support for upper jaw teeth, bridges and dentures. Due to the placement of zygomatic implants, these implants are also much longer in size than traditional implants and provide a secure foundation for dental implants. This treatment avoids the need for bone grafting procedures which usually prolongs the healing period. With zygomatic implants, the healing period is shortened to just 2 to 3 days.
那里有多少专家,并且THE DENTAL PORT获得了哪些认证?
Lack of bone mass? Zygomatic Dental Implants Specialist is ready to help you! While conventional dental implants involve drilling directly into the jawbone for the implants to replace teeth, the implant placement of zygomatic implants is done in the upper jaw (cheekbone) instead. This provides support for upper jaw teeth, bridges and dentures. Due to the placement of zygomatic implants, these implants are also much longer in size than traditional implants and provide a secure foundation for dental implants. This treatment avoids the need for bone grafting procedures which usually prolongs the healing period. With zygomatic implants, the healing period is shortened to just 2 to 3 days.
那里有多少专家,并且THE DENTAL PORT获得了哪些认证?