位于Levent Mahallesi, 伊斯坦布尔, 土耳其的Prof. Dr. Koray Tekin为患者提供了1种不同专业的3种可用过程中的胃旁路手术种过程
. 目前,Prof. Dr. Koray Tekin没有提供胃旁路手术过程的定价信息,因为所有价格仅应要求提供,而全国平均价格约为¥4,198.
那里有多少专家,并且Prof. Dr. Koray Tekin获得了哪些认证?
MyMeditravel Patient Reviews
See what our customers say about their experiences
Canan Mellini, 09 Jun 2019
My son-in-law, the more Iied, the more money, the same kilouu took back, failed,
neolands, 06 Dec 2018
A very successful surgeon. I recommend it to anyone with a weight problem, and especially to all computer engineers working overweight.
Onder Akdere, 16 Apr 2018
Our dear doctor, who successfully performed my stomach gastric surgery 2 years ago, prof.Dr. We thank Koray Tekin both for his humanity and his interest.
Acıbademli GoGoBaBa Gökhan, 10 Feb 2017
Professor Dr. Many thanks to Koray Tekin and his team. Turkey itself is really the pride of a teacher. We have successfully performed my revised operation. There is no problem so far.