is one of the body slimming methods and it has been very popular recently. Preliminary tests are being carried out in order to apply this treatment. If it is understood that there is no risk as a result of these tests, the treatment phase can be started.
Gastric balloons are not provided in public hospitals and are not covered by the Social Security Institution. It is not yet included in the Health Implementation Communiqué. Gastric reduction surgery can be performed in public hospitals. For people who want to apply for this treatment, only the private hospital option remains.
The gastric balloon is placed in the stomach and the balloon is inflated while in the stomach. Inflation processes basically use liquid or air. The substance to be used is determined from person to person and according to the person's health status. The raw material of the balloon consists of silicon. Gastric balloon , which is not a surgical procedure, is known as a surgical procedure. This procedure, which is performed with the help of endoscopy, does not have any adverse health effects.
It is defined as a process aimed at giving the person a feeling of satiety. It is recommended to temporarily create a feeling of indigestion and support it with activities such as diet and sports. Whether the weight loss process is completed or not, the placed balloon is removed after a while. The time it takes to remove the balloon varies between three and six months.
Forever Clinica为患者提供什么?
那里有多少专家,并且Forever Clinica获得了哪些认证?
胃气球是一种减肥疗法,旨在帮助肥胖者减轻体重。这是非手术过程,需要将充满盐水的硅胶气球放入胃中。这个气球阻塞了您的胃的很大一部分,从而限制了您可以吃多少,并使您更快感到饱胀。气球被设计成只能在您的胃中停留六个月,然后才能取出。六个月后,将气球放气并从胃中取出,让您恢复正常的胃大小。 胃气球将帮助您减轻体重,并降低潜在的威胁生命的体重相关疾病的风险,例如心脏病或中风,高血压,胃食管反流疾病(GERD),阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,2型糖尿病和非酒精性脂肪肝疾病(NAFLD)或非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)。 如果您的体重指数(BMI)在30到40之间,并且饮食和运动对您没有帮助,则可以考虑使用胃气球。 胃气球过后,您将能够减轻体重。结果,您患上与体重有关的疾病的风险降低了,您可以享受以前无法做的更多活动。您可能也会变得更加自在和自信。最后,该程序将提高您的生活质量。
胃气球是一种安全有效的方法。女性通常在第一周体重会减轻2至3公斤,而男性则可能会减轻4至7公斤。平均而言,在胃球囊置入胃中的六个月内,患者的体重减轻了约7%至15%。胃气球术后的总体重减轻为30%至47%。 尽管胃气球通常是安全的,但您仍然需要注意可能的副作用和该过程带来的风险。插入球囊时使用的麻醉剂和内窥镜会引起副作用,例如胃痉挛,恶心,呕吐,不适和反流。在某些情况下,患者可能还会出现腹胀,消化不良,腹泻,腹部或背部疼痛,肠胃气胀和腹部不适。所有这些副作用通常都是暂时的,无需任何治疗即可自行消退。 在极少数情况下,球囊会自行收缩并滑入下肠。这可能会导致消化系统阻塞,导致肠梗阻。如果发生这种情况,则需要进行其他手术以除去球囊。其他罕见但可能的并发症是胃壁溃疡和穿孔,需要手术治疗。
is one of the body slimming methods and it has been very popular recently. Preliminary tests are being carried out in order to apply this treatment. If it is understood that there is no risk as a result of these tests, the treatment phase can be started.
Gastric balloons are not provided in public hospitals and are not covered by the Social Security Institution. It is not yet included in the Health Implementation Communiqué. Gastric reduction surgery can be performed in public hospitals. For people who want to apply for this treatment, only the private hospital option remains.
The gastric balloon is placed in the stomach and the balloon is inflated while in the stomach. Inflation processes basically use liquid or air. The substance to be used is determined from person to person and according to the person's health status. The raw material of the balloon consists of silicon. Gastric balloon , which is not a surgical procedure, is known as a surgical procedure. This procedure, which is performed with the help of endoscopy, does not have any adverse health effects.
It is defined as a process aimed at giving the person a feeling of satiety. It is recommended to temporarily create a feeling of indigestion and support it with activities such as diet and sports. Whether the weight loss process is completed or not, the placed balloon is removed after a while. The time it takes to remove the balloon varies between three and six months.
Forever Clinica为患者提供什么?
那里有多少专家,并且Forever Clinica获得了哪些认证?
is one of the body slimming methods and it has been very popular recently. Preliminary tests are being carried out in order to apply this treatment. If it is understood that there is no risk as a result of these tests, the treatment phase can be started.
Gastric balloons are not provided in public hospitals and are not covered by the Social Security Institution. It is not yet included in the Health Implementation Communiqué. Gastric reduction surgery can be performed in public hospitals. For people who want to apply for this treatment, only the private hospital option remains.
The gastric balloon is placed in the stomach and the balloon is inflated while in the stomach. Inflation processes basically use liquid or air. The substance to be used is determined from person to person and according to the person's health status. The raw material of the balloon consists of silicon. Gastric balloon , which is not a surgical procedure, is known as a surgical procedure. This procedure, which is performed with the help of endoscopy, does not have any adverse health effects.
It is defined as a process aimed at giving the person a feeling of satiety. It is recommended to temporarily create a feeling of indigestion and support it with activities such as diet and sports. Whether the weight loss process is completed or not, the placed balloon is removed after a while. The time it takes to remove the balloon varies between three and six months.
Forever Clinica为患者提供什么?
那里有多少专家,并且Forever Clinica获得了哪些认证?