Gastric sleeve, which is likened to a long tube like a thin banana, is made by cutting and removing 80% of the stomach by applying a closed surgery method called laparoscopic. Thus, the food intake portion of the stomach is reduced and less food intake is provided. In addition to the decrease in food intake, it has been observed that the person's food absorption gradually decreases after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. With effects such as decreased appetite and breaking insulin resistance, the person should start to adapt to his new life.
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胃旁路手术是一种减肥手术(减肥手术),用于帮助病态肥胖的人减轻体重。该程序可减小胃的大小,因此您无法像以前那样吃得太多。它还会重新路由或绕过消化系统的大部分,因此您的身体不会吸收太多的食物。 胃旁路术是持续,长期减肥的最成功的减肥手术之一。除了帮助减轻体重,它还可以改善或解决与体重有关的疾病,例如2型糖尿病,心脏病,胃食管反流病,高血压,高胆固醇,中风,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停和不育。 虽然胃旁路术是减肥和减少体重相关问题风险的有效方法,但并非每个人都严重超重。如果您的体重指数(BMI)为40或更高,或者BMI在35至39.9之间,但您患有严重的体重相关疾病,则通常可以选择该程序。由于胃旁路手术是一项涉及永久改变的重大且不可逆的手术,因此,只有在尝试通过饮食和运动减肥后才应进行胃旁路手术。
在最近几年中,胃搭桥手术的成功率已大大提高。虽然减轻的体重取决于生活方式的改变,但在手术后的两年内有可能减轻60%或更多的多余体重。超过三分之一的接受胃旁路手术的患者减轻了其超重的80%。同样,90%的患者在胃旁路手术后的十年内保持了其原来体重的50%的损失。 与任何外科手术一样,胃旁路手术也有一些潜在的缺点。许多患者会经历“倾倒综合征”,这种情况发生在食物从胃向小肠的移动太快而导致虚弱,恶心,腹泻,出汗和昏厥时。 还有营养不良的风险,因为您的身体吸收营养的能力降低了。这就是为什么每天服用维生素和矿物质补充剂很重要的原因。其他风险包括感染,大量出血,血液凝块,肺部疾病,胆结石,疝气,低血糖和胃穿孔。
Gastric sleeve, which is likened to a long tube like a thin banana, is made by cutting and removing 80% of the stomach by applying a closed surgery method called laparoscopic. Thus, the food intake portion of the stomach is reduced and less food intake is provided. In addition to the decrease in food intake, it has been observed that the person's food absorption gradually decreases after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. With effects such as decreased appetite and breaking insulin resistance, the person should start to adapt to his new life.
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那里有多少专家,并且Forever Clinica获得了哪些认证?
Gastric sleeve, which is likened to a long tube like a thin banana, is made by cutting and removing 80% of the stomach by applying a closed surgery method called laparoscopic. Thus, the food intake portion of the stomach is reduced and less food intake is provided. In addition to the decrease in food intake, it has been observed that the person's food absorption gradually decreases after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. With effects such as decreased appetite and breaking insulin resistance, the person should start to adapt to his new life.
Forever Clinica为患者提供什么?
那里有多少专家,并且Forever Clinica获得了哪些认证?