Gastric sleeve, which is likened to a long tube like a thin banana, is made by cutting and removing 80% of the stomach by applying a closed surgery method called laparoscopic. Thus, the food intake portion of the stomach is reduced and less food intake is provided. In addition to the decrease in food intake, it has been observed that the person's food absorption gradually decreases after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. With effects such as decreased appetite and breaking insulin resistance, the person should start to adapt to his new life.
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胃袖外科手术是一项减肥手术,其中手术切除了大部分的胃部,使胃部的大小减少了85%,其余部分看起来像香蕉或袖子。由于严重缩小了胃的大小,患者无法在消除饥饿和饱胀之前消耗和消化尽可能多的食物-因此,可以实现快速减肥。这种类型的手术是不可逆的,仅应视为最终选择。 如果一个人的体重指数(BMI)大于40并且其体重比理想体重多100磅/ 50公斤,则被称为肥胖。对于这些人,减肥手术是一种可用的选择。肥胖有许多相关的风险,可能导致高血压,不育,糖尿病,睡眠呼吸暂停等。当节食和运动等方法无效时,可以使用胃套法作为最终解决方案,但并不是每个人都是一个好的人选,并且每个人都应考虑当前状况,健康史,费用,仔细考虑可用的最佳选择,恢复时间,成功率以及手术的利弊。或者,更可取的是使用胃气球-有关此非侵入性手术的更多信息,请参见下文。
Gastric sleeve, which is likened to a long tube like a thin banana, is made by cutting and removing 80% of the stomach by applying a closed surgery method called laparoscopic. Thus, the food intake portion of the stomach is reduced and less food intake is provided. In addition to the decrease in food intake, it has been observed that the person's food absorption gradually decreases after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. With effects such as decreased appetite and breaking insulin resistance, the person should start to adapt to his new life.
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那里有多少专家,并且Forever Clinica获得了哪些认证?
Gastric sleeve, which is likened to a long tube like a thin banana, is made by cutting and removing 80% of the stomach by applying a closed surgery method called laparoscopic. Thus, the food intake portion of the stomach is reduced and less food intake is provided. In addition to the decrease in food intake, it has been observed that the person's food absorption gradually decreases after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. With effects such as decreased appetite and breaking insulin resistance, the person should start to adapt to his new life.
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那里有多少专家,并且Forever Clinica获得了哪些认证?